Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Communicating Over The Network

The Elements of Communication Communication begins with a message, or information, that must be sent from one individual or device to another using many different communication methods. All of these methods have 3 elements in common: - message source, or sender - destination, or receiver - a channel Communicating The Messages Data is divided into smaller parts during transmission - Segmentation The benefits of doing so: - Many different conversations can be interleaved on the network. The process used to interleave the pieces of separate conversations together on the network is called multiplexing. - Increase the reliability of network communications. The separate pieces of each message need not travel the same pathway across the network from source to destination

Monday, December 3, 2007

Profile of a painter from klaten (Sugito Slamet)

Sugito slamet a painter who stepped from the beginning as a painter. from the road until now familiar picture in many communities. Sugito slamet better known by the name of a very enthusiastic Gito wrestle painting. Dad with 6 children has always tried to never give up in the painting market. Gito have attended many exhibitions productive, and always received a request both at home and abroad. His paintings are now in collections at home and abroad.

Lukisan Jalan ke kota ( Road to City )

Painter : Sugito Slamet ( Gito ) title picture : jalan Ke kota ( road to city ). Year : 2005 size : 78 x 118 cm Media : Cat minyak di atas kanvas ( oil on canvas )
Sinopsis : The countryside, when the painter was a child. Dirt road, the old wooden bridge, a grandfather with his grandson stop the old bus filled with passengers, dust billowed in the back of the bus. portrait prices : 25 million, if interested contact us at email atau ke hp : +6288210064144 ( sulistyo )

Lukisan Berbagi Rokok ( Share a Sigarette )

Painter : Sugito Slamet (Gito ) Title Picture : Berbagi Rokok (Sharing Cigarettes) Year : 2006 Size : 90 x 140 Cm Media : Cat minyak diatas kanvas ( oil on Canvas ). Sinopsis : Two old men were sharing a cigarette, resting after work, amid rice fields dry out the hoe. describes the village people who face the hard life of leisure. Price painting : 30 juta message : If you are interested please contact us at +6288210064144 ( Sulistyo ) atau email :

Lukisan Gerobak Sapi (Cattle wagon)

Painter : Sugito Slamet ( Gito ) title painter : Gerobak Sapi (Cattle wagon) Year : 2003 size : 75 x 125 Cm Media : Cat Minyak di atas kanvas Synopsis : Tool change time of transformation from traditional to technological tools. ox carts are still used but the wheels replaced with rubber wheels of the car. painter price : 20 juta message : If you are interested please contact the +6288210064144 or email :